Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How I lost a friend

A friend is a companion who will stick with you through thick and thin, share those happy and sad moments, but most importantly, help one another when they are in need. After time, they will become part of your life, like your flesh and bone. Losing a friend is a painful thing; no one else in the world would be able to replace him. Please cherish your friendship, and do not let it disappear, not like mine…

I had known John since I was in primary one. He was a fun guy, and we sat beside each other in class by chance. Being the innocent little angels back then, we become friends within 5 seconds. As the years pass, our friendship became stronger and stronger just like a rock as layer after layer of minerals build on it, but when we were in Primary 6, John changed. Whenever I asked him to go out with a group of friends, he would make stupid excuses that he could not go. He also handed up his homework late even though there was more than enough time to do it, unlike previous years where he was extremely punctual. His grades also plummeted. Knowing him inside out, I knew he had some problems, but when I tried to speak to him, he just evaded the topic. I had no choice but to tell myself to mind my own Ps and Qs.

One day, while I was walking sluggishly back home after a long strenuous day of CCA, I took an alternative route due to some construction works on my usual route. I came across an Internet Café. Instantly, I was drawn towards it like a magnet. It looked hip, and the interior design was super cool. The magical sliding doors slid open; a gush of chilly air blew out. Ahhh… Cool comfort. I could not resist but stick my nose on the window and peer in. I scanned the area, to my surprise, I saw John mashing the buttons on the computer. I wondered why he was at an Internet Café at such a late hour, and why he was not at home doing his work. It was already rather late, and I decided not to acknowledge him, brushing it aside, assuming that he had long finished his work and was relieving some stress at the café.

The next day, it turned out that John had not done his homework. I then wondered why was he at the café? Out of the blue, it hit me. John has a computer addiction. This addiction is like a monster, consuming John’s mind and life. If he did not stop this, he would fail his PSLE and would be retained for a year. His inner self was just screaming for help, fallen into a pitfall of addiction and could not get out. He could not get out without some help.

After school, I talked to him and I told him that he has an addiction, and needs to buck up in his studies or he would fail his exams. He told me to go away. I was angry, I told him he had to stop playing games or I would stop being his friend. Big mistake. He said, “Whatever, I don’t need you.” I was stunned; never did I think that a computer, a non-animate object would destroy our friendship. My heart felt like it was pierced by a thousand swords. In my rage, I told him, “I don’t care.” That was our last conversation. In a minute, we turned from bosom buddies, to worst enemies.

In the end, we both went to different schools, and never kept touch. While surfing the net, I saw this video:

In retrospect, I should have done what was done in the video, had I seen this earlier, I would have avoided this calamity. Tough luck right?

Artiste: ----
Song: -----

*add your lyrics here*